søndag 23. januar 2011

My Team

I have arrived in Perris, and met my entire team. I'll give you guys a quick presentation. From top down we have:

Camera: Meili Modini.
Meili is 44 years old, but looks like she is 26. So far I have only met her once, but the others tells me that she is great in every way. She is a very social girl, and has a big beautiful smile. She is also the only awesome freeflyer among us

Point: Kjetil Nordin
I am the newest addition to the team, and am in the process of moving to Perris. I have just finished a season on the Norwegian national team, which unfortunately was dissolved. Fortunately I got this great Project now, and it seems extremely promising. Basicly, I really enjoy getting to know my new team mates, and Chris Farina from Perris Fury seems to be an awesome coach.

Front Center: Flemming Borup Andersen
Flemming is basicly the founder of this team. He is a hard working, extremely dedicated skydiver. He has military background, which makes him organized, and a really good team player. He is currently in his third season on the Danish national team.

Rear Center: Kristina Louise Peterson
Kristina is the rear center, and thereby the one in charge of the rythm and temp of the team. She likes dogs, sleep, sushi and great skydives. Kris has been jumping on several different teams before out team, such as sebastian tempest, and the national female USA team for the world meet in Gera in 2006.

Tail: Kevin Dalton
I still do not know to much about Kevin, as he doesn't talk to much about himself. Don't get me wrong, he's not shy, he just doesn't care existentionally. I know he jumped on Quattro last season, has jumped 4-way for 3-4 years, and has a killer eye contact.

Coach: Chris Farina
Chris is the current rear center of Perris Fury, probably the best random team in the world, and definitely one of the best teams worldwide in total also. He speaks just as fast as David Sawyer at the Bedford tunnel, and got more experience and authority per foot then any other skydiver I've met. I am very much looking forward to cooperating with him this season.

That concludes the team for now. Let's get good, guys.

torsdag 20. januar 2011

Arriving in California

Well, my plan of writing a diary didn't quite follow up. But here is at least a report from an excited traveller. Things have happened really fast since I last wrote. A week ago I recieved message that my try outs had been upgraded to a training camp. So instead of five days, I am now staying three weeks. In addition I have put my appartement out for sale, so this is really a cross road for me.

My trip progressed without any trouble, and I was able to find my new Inside Center, Kristina Peterson, without any trouble. We drove to Skydive Perris, and my first impression is GREAT. It looks big, structured, clean and effective. And they've got a pool on site. As I just enjoyed the Californian winter (eq. Norwegian summer), I got the strongest urge to jump. The weather forecast says 70-75 degrees all week long, and though I have not calculated that into celsius, I am pretty sure that it is a comfortable forecast. I also found Erin Murphy on site, and found out that she is working here. Erin was training by our side in spaceland last year, with her team Spaceland Blue.

Now I am staying at Dan Cook, and his son Ryan. They live somewhere southeast of Perris i think. Their Condo is absolutely lovely, and I finally had my first good nights sleep in over a week. Thogh, not before I went to an AA-meeting with Ryan. Don't ask. Long story, but it was indeed interesting. I have some video from my trip as well. I'll post in not too long.

Today I am goig to the DZ, hopefully I'll meet Kevin and Flemming, and also Dan BC, maybe Chris Farina and the rest of Fury.

I'll keep up posting.

onsdag 29. desember 2010

Hard days work

Hard day at work. A lot of relaxing at home. Ordered new cards, and made some arrangements at work so I can leave for Cali without worry. Read the first part of chapter 4 of the SIM, and played around with the Fury Logo in Blender.

I got to remember to:
  • Get my ESTA

tirsdag 28. desember 2010

Saving money

This has just been an average day. Work, Gym, dinner, some housework, Goodnight.
Plus side is that I have been able to get two extra shifts this week, So I am working both tomorrow and Friday as well. After taxes that will be about enough to cover one fourths share of an hour in the tunnel. Or almost a months rent in Perris ;) I'm glad we have some advantages, when we have to deal with all these freezing days!

mandag 27. desember 2010


I have decided that it is time to start writing a diary. This is to keep track of important things that happens, and also to document all the work I will do forward from this moment. The thing is that it seems more and more likely that I will be part of an American formation skydiving team next year, and I can already tell that it will be a huge challenge to do this as professional as I want to. In order to evaluate, and improve my methods of work, I will start to log it. At this point it seems natural to do so in English, as the ones who I might need to present any of this documentation to, is english speaking.

Today I woke up at night shift job at the institution. On my way home I read chapter 3 of the USPA SIM. After I did a couple of hours cleaning in the house, before going to the gym, doing heavy weights for strenght. After, I went to work at Ica. Home at about 2300.

On my list of things that need to be done:
  • E-mail both of my banks about renewal of credit cards
  • E-mail my boss at the institution for confirming change of weeks in january
  • Find out how much money I can possibly collect prior to moving to the US
  • Try to get a couple of extra shifts before the year is passed
  • Get a value evaluation on my appartement

Fun fact of the day: A couple of young teenager strangers challenged me to a push-up competition on video for a school project. I was just finished working out, and in a hurry for work, so I declined.

Fun fact #2: I was tried picked up by a 55-60 year old woman outside my apartement building just now tonight. She was wearing a full fur coat, had a black eye, were clearly drunk, and tried to get me to bed by telling me she was a bio-engineer, and looking me straight into my eyes telling me how much she liked me. I was both polite enough, and easily entertained enough to stay for a couple of minutes.